This vape is a burst of rich berry flavour with a strong minty undertone. It's a pleasing blend of fresh and minty to help you power through your day...
American Blend vape juice is a well-rounded tobacco flavor that any former cigarette lover will adore. The taste of full-bodied Virginia tobacco has notes of honey that enchant the tongue. The nuttiness of this flavor is guaranteed to make your mouth water. With each inhale of American Blend e-juice..
If you like your e-juice sweet — but not too sweet — LIQUA Apple is the perfect choice. Crisp, fruity flavor makes this smoke juice a standout. A true-to-life green apple flavor profile separates this tasty apple e-liquid from more sweet, sugary options. It’s one of the Italian juice flavors produce..
Dream about the pink fruity lychee, its natural cooling taste and slight honey undertone. Yes, your dreams will all come true with the unforgettable fresh and juicy flavor!..
Discover the modern China with these special tobaccos dated back from the golden dynasty age. Feel the classic, flue-cured tobacco leaf and the rich blended aroma. Just let the legends reveal themselves...
If you are a mango lover, you must try this juicy green mango with yellow flesh. You will experience the cooling, refreshing taste of the hot tropics!..
A refreshing spin on an old classic! We've combined American tobacco with a mix of fruits, caramel and mint for a refreshing vape that will stimulate the senses and leave you wanting more...
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